Australian Masters Preparing for Masters World Cup in Klosters 8-15 March 2025

As the Australian winter ski season approaches, a number of masters skiers are in dry-land training in anticipation of cross country ski races in NSW and Victoria. Masters skiers are also hoping to meet with other masters skiers and join in the following cross country ski races:

  • 14 Jul. Clean out the wax box (Classical) & Clean out the cobwebs (Skating), a great start to the season. 
  • 27 Jul - Kossi Tour
  • 28 Jul - Cooma Open
  • 3 Aug - PXC Cup
  • 4 Aug - Boonoona Open
  • 5 Aug - KAC
  • 7 Aug - Charlotte Pass Open
  • 7 Aug - Twilight relays
  • 8 Aug - Sundeck Handicap
  • 10 Aug - Snowy Mountains Classic


  • 13 Jul. High plains Tour
  • 3 Aug. Hotham to Dinner Plain
  • 10 Aug. Ski de Femme (women only)
  • 11 Aug. Rocky Valley Rush
  • 24 Aug. Kangaroo Hoppet

Plus Jane Scheer (K7 Ski School) is running "Faster Masters” skills development for intermediate and advanced skiers, at Perisher, for five Fridays (starting 10am) from Friday 19 July. You can book this via

At the moment, it looks like Australia will have around 25 masters skiers attending the Masters World Cup in Klosters, Switzerland, 8-15 March 2025, with lead up training planned for Livigno, Italy, 24 February-8 March 2025. There will also be another half dozen or so in the support team. So the Aussies will be looking forward to a great event. It's not too late to decide to come along, as the subsidised accomodation in Klosters (at low season rates) for MWC2025 can be booked up to 15 September, and there may still be rooms available right up to the event. Just contact or 0404823760m for more information.

And even if you are not as fast as you would like to be, you can still look good in an Australian masters cross country ski race suit and cap. This fantastic race suit was designed by in the US (same firm that does the national team suits), with substantial design input from our own masters skier, Jane Scheer. It looks and feels great and can be ordered from the Podiumwear shopfront, . The shopfront will be open from now until 23 June, for shipping 16 July (so should be with you in time for August races), and again later in the year (for those heading to Europe and North America). Any Australian citizen or resident skier over the age of 35yo can order and wear it. You don’t have to be a participant at MWC events to look good as a masters skier on the trails!

Registrations for the Masters World Cup 2025 have now opened at