Welcome Archive!
Perisher X Country welcomes you to our seventh and last PXC NEWS for 2018. This newsletter is focused on what is happening within PXC, with special reference to the volunteers and to those who have a keen interest in helping grow the sport of cross country skiing.

Perisher X Country (PXC) is all about promoting the activity of Cross Country Skiing to a wider audience so that one of the best kept secrets around is not a secret anymore. Please encourage everyone to go to our website and subscribe to PXC NEWS.
Christmas Edition
Summer Working Bees - Sverre Kaaten Nordic Shelter & Trail Maintenance
Correct working bee dates for 2019 are:
February 9th & 10th
March 2nd & 3rd
April 6th & 7th
May 4th & 5th
June 1st & 2nd
There are approximately 25 maintenance projects and improvements to be made to the Nordic Shelter during the above series of working bees. The Nordic Shelter is becoming busier by the year and efficiencies have to be gained, particularly in the area of storage.
Work varies from preparation for possible construction work to strengthen an outside wall to getting a flash new modern sign for the Nordic Shelter, through to re-painting areas and oiling timber, all requiring varying degrees of expertise and time.
If working around the Nordic Shelter is not your game and you would prefer being in the great outdoors, there is a range of maintenance tasks that need to done out on the trails. Trail audits have already been done for most of the trails so that we can have an organised and efficient start in the 2nd weekend in February. An adjustment to the 5 km trail is planned to make this trail easier and more enjoyable for the majority of skiing public.
So there is always plenty to be done. Having said that, it is also a great social weekend and if you like, to fit in some walking running or cycling in the Snowy Mountains. Canberra Alpine Club has been a great sponsor of the XC community, allowing those who take part in the working parties to stay free of charge. A Saturday night dinner party is usually involved. If you are interested in coming to a work party, please call Peter Ward (0409 338 978) or email (nswxc1@gmail.com) and let him know that you are coming. Call Peter Cunningham on (0477 356 835) or email him at peter.petercunningham@gmail.com to let him know that you want to stay at the CAC lodge.
PXC Edge is a newsletter that will run (2-3 editions) prior to the 2019 winter. This newsletter is a short, sharp injection of information relating to XC Skiing, showing future events, the latest in XC Skiing, promotional videos, stories or anything of interest to the XC Skiing community.
PXC also welcomes getting stories from anybody about matters relating to XC skiing, e.g. your overseas XC skiing adventures, new XC skiing equipment or simple why XC skiing so good for you, to give a few examples
So please send information PXC way by emailing to info@PerisherXCountry.org . Please use the words " PXC Edge Articles" as a subject title.
If you would like to help out with some of the tasks within the PXC organisation, we would love to hear from you. Please email the Chairman "Wayne P" on info@PerisherXCountry.Org and we can have a discussion on where your interests lie and what you would like to do.
Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year to you all.
Wayne P
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