Welcome Archive!
Perisher X Country (PXC) is all about promoting the activity of Cross Country Skiing so that one of the best-kept secrets around is not a secret anymore. Please encourage everyone to go to the PXC website (Contact Us page) and subscribe to PXC NEWS, PXC EDGE and daily XC Trail Reports during winter. PXC News is focused on the activities of volunteers and those who have a keen interest in helping grow the sport of XC skiing. PXC is a sub-committee of the northern division of Snow Australia and aims to grow participation in XC skiing in Perisher Valley and beyond.

Wayne and Rowan cleaning their boots before they head out on the trails in February. Don’t want to spread those pesky weeds and fungi in our Park!
PERISHER XC WORK PARTY REMINDER (and Other Info) – March 13/14/21
Thanks to those who have RSVPed for the upcoming XC Work Party. If you intend to come, please let us know so jobs and accommodation (if required) can be organised).
THE USUAL INFO: If you plan to attend the March XC Work Party, contact Peter Ward at nswxc1@gmail.com. Bring sturdy work clothes, gloves and boots suitable for any weather. Be prepared for flies! Weather permitting, we will have a BBQ lunch on Saturday. Otherwise, bring food, drink and snacks, and also your own plates, cutlery and cups.
If you require accommodation (gratis, thanks CAC!) at Canberra Alpine Club, please contact Peter Cunningham at peter.petercunningham@gmail.com. Bring bed linen, towels and food/drink for self-catering.
Awareness of COVID considerations will be important both at the Shelter and at CAC. The rules will be explained – everyone knows the drill by now. As always, if you are unwell, if you have been in a designated “Hot Spot” or have had close or casual contact with someone who has/may have COVID, do not attend – but we would love to see you next time!
Dates for the next XC Work Parties (so you can plan ahead…):
· 17-18 April (note revised date)
· 1-2 May
· 5-6 June
2021 XC SKI WEEK – August 7-15, 2021
Double-check that these are the dates that you have pencilled in for a special week of fun in the snow. A calendar of XC Ski Week events can be found the PXC XC Ski Week page. Keep in mind that planning for the 2021 winter events is being done now in a positive frame of mind. Check the PXC website regularly for updates.
Also included are links to the DRAFT 2021 Australian XC Race Calendar. If all of the planets align, this will be the calendar for the 2021 winter season. IMPORTANT NOTE – This calendar is DRAFT and subject to changes in dates, venues and even cancellations. Check the Aust XC Event Calendar on PXC for the latest version and other valuable local XC information. The Race Calendar can also be found on AUSXC along with national XC information.
Get some roller ski training kms under your wheels and join in the fun and competition at upcoming events, flyer attached. Find details on the new Snow Australia XC Events page and register for the Roller Skiing Events of your choice.
It looks like fun, but you are not sure if roller skiing is the sport for you? Here is a chance to Come & Try at Stromlo Forest Park in the ACT on March 14 and 21. Open to all ages, juniors to masters.
The PHS 2021 Summer Newsletter is now available. The Newsletters and the Perisher Historical Society website are a treasure trove. This dedicated group works closely with the resort and NPWS to research and preserve the history of skiing and the Perisher Range area. A membership/subscription is highly recommended.

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