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Opportunities for a different kind of winter......
Expressions of Interest - 2023 Nordic Shelter Managers and NSWACT XC Programs Assistant Coach, and More.....
The NSWACT XC Committee (a subcommittee of Snow Australia) is seeking expressions of interest from people with cross country skiing experience. Nordic Shelter Managers are required for the season. This is an active volunteer position with the advantages of living at the Perisher Valley XC Centre Trailhead for the winter. More information is provided below.
The NSWACT XC Committee is also looking for an experienced XC Coach to assist Head Coach Alexei Sotskov during 2023 winter. Conditions and payment for the position are negotiable. See further information below.
If neither of these positions are for you, there are many other opportunities to be involved in the activities and events of the Perisher Valley XC Community. These occasional PXC newsletters provide the contact and details of winter and summer opportunities to be involved in a great sport located in one of Australia's most special and unique environments.
Please read on and contact the appropriate addresses to submit EIOs and/or request more information.
Expressions of Interest for the Nordic Shelter Manager Role, Winter 2023
The NSWACT XC Nordic Shelter Management Committee is seeking expressions of interest by persons interested in managing the Sverre Kaaten Nordic Shelter located in Perisher Valley, NSW. Information about the Shelter is here - https://www.perisherxcountry.org/perisher-xc-centre/whats-perisher-xc-centre/nordic-shelter/
Please follow this link (https://cdn.revolutionise.com.au/cups/ssa/files/ziroqxwl1prkqap6.pdf) for further information and requirements of the role and how to submit an expression of interest.
An indicative timetable for the EOI process and consideration of submissions is as follows.
10 February 2023 opening date for EOI applications. 2 March 2023 closing date for EOI applications (by 5pm). 6 March 2023 announcement of successful applicant.
Expressions of Interest for NSWACT XC Assistant Coach Position, Winter 2023
The NSWACT XC Committee is seeking expressions of interest from experienced XC coaches for coaching of all levels of the NSWACT XC Program members during 2023 winter in Perisher Valley, NSW. The position is a key part of the expert coaching team working with the highly skilled NSWACT XC Head Coach.
Most aspects of the coaching position are negotiable. If you are interested, contact nswxc1@gmail.com with a short CV and your contact details by 28 February, 2023 to arrange discussion about the position.
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