PXC News Past Issues

Perisher X Country NEWS, 30/1/19, Newsletter #08

REMINDER - Perisher XC Trails February Work Party

The first official 2019 PXC Trails Work Party is scheduled for February 9-10.

There are summer grooming jobs to be done on the trails to improve them for snow retention, ease of grooming (getting ready for the new “Bison” groomer arriving in Autumn) and, of course, your skiing enjoyment!

There is also work to do in the Nordic Shelter - maintenance and improvements.

Please contact Peter Ward (nswxc1@gmail.com) if you plan to attend. Bring food/drink, sturdy work shoes, work gloves and clothing for any weather. Also fly repellent, fly veil, etc.

If you require accommodation at Canberra Alpine Club (thank you CAC!), please contact Peter Cunningham (note his new retirement email address - peter.petercunningham@gmail.com). Bring bedding, towels and food/drink. CAC generously donates accommodation to PXC Work Partiers. It all makes for a constructive and fun, social weekend.


Welcome Archive!

Perisher X Country welcomes you to this REMINDER edition and first PXC NEWS for 2019. This newsletter is focused on what is happening within PXC, with special reference to the volunteers and to those who have a keen interest in helping grow the sport of cross country skiing.


Perisher X Country (PXC) is all about promoting the activity of Cross Country Skiing to a wider audience so that one of the best-kept secrets around is not a secret anymore. Please encourage everyone to go to the PXC website and subscribe to PXC NEWS.

REMINDER - Perisher XC Trails February Work Party

The first official 2019 PXC Trails Work Party is scheduled for February 9-10.

There are summer grooming jobs to be done on the trails to improve them for snow retention, ease of grooming (getting ready for the new “Bison” groomer arriving in Autumn) and, of course, your skiing enjoyment!

There is also work to do in the Nordic Shelter - maintenance and improvements.

Please contact Peter Ward (nswxc1@gmail.com) if you plan to attend. Bring food/drink, sturdy work shoes, work gloves and clothing for any weather. Also fly repellent, fly veil, etc.

If you require accommodation at Canberra Alpine Club (thank you CAC!), please contact Peter Cunningham (note his new retirement email address - peter.petercunningham@gmail.com). Bring bedding, towels and food/drink. CAC generously donates accommodation to PXC Work Partiers. It all makes for a constructive and fun, social weekend.

Please make note of the future 2019 XC Work Party dates:
- March 2-3
- April 6-7
- May 4-5
- June 1-2

 ** Be sure to check the PXC website from time to time through summer for XC news and information.**

Looking forward to seeing you,
Peter Ward
Perisher XC

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