Welcome Archive!
Cross Country skiing is an activity of many dimensions covering all seasons. There will be something in this newsletter for most anyone who enjoys XC and the environment that it occurs in.

Only 1800 Holes to Drill........
Two special-purpose Work Parties are scheduled for:
· 2-3 January (Thursday - Friday)
· 6-10 January (Monday – Friday)
· Other dates if people are available
These days will be dedicated entirely to preparing (measuring and drilling) steel sections to be assembled over the summer. If you can lend a hand on any of these days, the extra muscle will be much appreciated. Note, a walk to Bullocks Flat via the new section of the Alpine Walk will replace work on a suitable day.
Accommodation is available with the usual Work Party information applying (see Feb Work Party below).
Are you strong, fit and enjoy bracing outdoor volunteer work that provides real benefits to your favourite winter sport? But aren’t quite sure what to do with the kids? The February Work Party organisers are trialling a family-friendly work party day on Saturday 1 February to support the regular volunteer bridge-building crew.
Mel Sim, a life-long member of the XC community, has offered to run kids activities to help trial a Family-Friendly XC work party.
As an environmental educator and community engagement facilitator, Mel works across schools and preschools in the Canberra district. She has a current NSW Working with Children Check and First Aid.
Mel and her 2 primary-aged children will attend the February XC Work Party. There will be a Kids program offered only on Saturday 1 February.
· A morning environment-based program for the kids
· BBQ lunch prepared with the kids for all work-party people
· Afternoon of age-appropriate work party activities.
Overnight accommodation in Perisher is available for Work Partiers, including a limited number of families, generously provided by Canberra Alpine Club.
As usual:
· If you can attend all or part of the Work Party, contact Peter Ward (nswxc1@gmail.com). Bring gum boots, work gloves, PPE, work clothes for any weather, march fly defence, lunch, snacks, crockery and cutlery. Hot water urn, sandwich press, microwave are available at the Shelter.
· Many thanks to Canberra Alpine Club for providing accommodation for Work Partiers. If you require accommodation, please contact Peter Cunningham (peter.petercunningham@gmail.com). Bring bed linen, towels and food/drink for meals – the shared dinner on Saturday night is always an interesting social occasion.
· Note – The Feb. Work Party may continue after the weekend if workers are available. Let both Peters know if you are interested in staying on and would require the additional accommodation.
Please pencil in these XC Work Party dates over the summer.
2. Feb 1-2 2025
3. March 1-2 2025
4. April 5-6 2025
5. May 17-18 2025
6. June, if required
All Work Parties will be confirmed prior to these dates.
Hi all,
I have just been informed that NPWS will be conducting a ground shooting operation for deer control in the Summit areas of Kosciuszko National Park. This is a reactive program following the siting of deer on the edge of the summit area; hence the short notification period.
Please note all shooting will be conducted at night, so there should be no impact to day walkers providing they are back by 7pm. Camping in the below areas will not be permitted between 18-20 December.
The dates of the shoot are:
- Wednesday 18th December 2024: 7pm until 6am Thursday 19th.
- Thursday 19th December 2024: 7pm until 6am Friday 20th
- Friday 20th December 2024: 7pm until 6am Saturday 21st
The following areas will be closed;
- Summit Trail - Summit Walk (including Mt Kosciuszko) - Main Range Walking Track - Kosciuszko Walk - Hannel’s Spur Walking Track - Seaman’s Hut - Cootapatamba Hut - Rawson’s Pass
This includes all walking tracks, huts, trails and areas surrounding Mt Kosciuszko. Closure notices will be placed at relevant access points in Kosciuszko National Park. This program will deer to reduce the significant impact they have on native plants and animals including threatened species.
We appreciate your patience while this important work is carried out.
Do not enter closed areas in Kosciuszko National Park (link to Closures map PDF). Penalties apply for non-compliance.
If you would like further information about the closed areas please contact NPWS at npws.southernrangesbranch@environment.nsw.gov.au or phone 13000 PARKS (1300 072 757).
Amy Slocombe
A/Environment Liaison Officer Southern Ranges Branch National Parks and Wildlife Service Monero-Ngarigo Country 49 Kosciuszko Road,
Jindabyne, 2627 T 02 6450 5575 M 0423 902 810
W nationalparks.nsw.gov.au NB: I work Tuesday - Friday

NSWACT XC PDP (a volunteer subcommittee of Snow Australia) organises a range of activities and programs to encourage participation in XC skiing and provide development and training activities for XC skiers of all ages, skills and abilities, especially young skiers.
The PDP Working Group is looking for new members who would like to assist the current Group in organisation of activities and programs. Areas that the Group is active in include the Winter On-Snow XC Training Program in Perisher, summer XC Dryland Training days in Sydney, Canberra and Jindabyne, XC training camps (i.e the residential Charlotte Pass Camp at the end of winter), uniforms, administration and fresh ideas!
The 2025 XC PDP year will start in February. If you are interested becoming involved and/or have queries please contact nswxc1@gmail.com by 3 January 2025. Include your name, contact info, a brief dot-point description of your relevant experience and any areas of special interest. More complete information can be provided later.

The 2025 Snow Australia Cross Country Race Calendar is currently being finalised. Here are a few dates that are locked in:
April 12-13 AUS Rollerski Champs – Sprint/Distance Canberra
7 June SMN Rollerski Challenge Jindabyne
5 July Come & Try XC Skiing Perisher
2 -10 August XC Ski Week Perisher
The full 2025 Australian XC Calendar will be posted on the PXC website (https://www.perisherxcountry.org/events/australian-calendar/) when it is finalised.
The Nordic Shelter is facing significant increases in running costs, especially building insurance. If you can’t be at Work Parties in person, consider supporting the volunteers by making a contribution like this –
Tax Deductible donations to help with the development, running expenses and maintenance - https://asf.org.au/projects/snow-australia---northern/nordic-shelter-development/

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