Welcome Archive!
Perisher X Country welcomes you to the JUNE WORK PARTY REMINDER & OTHER MATTERS edition of PXC NEWS. This newsletter is focused on what is happening within PXC, with special reference to the volunteers and to those who have a keen interest in helping grow the sport of cross country skiing.

Perisher X Country (PXC) is all about promoting the activity of Cross Country Skiing to a wider audience so that one of the best-kept secrets around is not a secret anymore. Please encourage everyone to go to the PXC website (Contact Us page) and subscribe to PXC NEWS.
Winter is Here !!
THIS IS IT !! The last 2019 XC Work Party is scheduled for the first weekend of Winter - June 1-2.
The Last Work Party will focus on getting the Nordic Shelter ready for opening on the Long Weekend - transforming from a building site into the welcoming place that is it's real identity. AND the new BBQ will be given its inaugural firing - Sausage Sizzle lunch provided on Saturday.
These windows are SO clean!

There is also important work to do on the trails:
- Put the drainage pipes in place and cover for the winter (so important to hold the water courses at bay).
- Finalise the summer maintenance program - a few odds and ends not quite completed.
As usual,
Please contact Peter Ward if you plan to attend the June Work Party – nswxc1@gmail.com.
Bring food and drink, sturdy work boots, gloves, clothing for all conditions and be prepared for flies.
Accommodation will be provided by Canberra Alpine Club lodge (thanks again, CAC!). If you require accommodation, please contact Peter Cunningham - peter.petercunningham@gmail.com. Bring bedding, towels, food and drink.
If you or your club would like to make a tax-deductible donation to the running, maintenance and development of the Nordic Shelter, please follow this link to the Australian Sports Foundation - https://asf.org.au/donate/ssa-northern/ssa-northern-nordic-shelter-development/
Event entries for 2019 Winter at the Perisher XC Center are being finalised and gradually going live. You can find these on the PXC website:
- Local 2019 Calendar - https://www.perisherxcountry.org/events/local/
- XC Week Calendar - https://www.perisherxcountry.org/events/xc-week/
Please plan ahead and enter on-line by the closing dates. Your event organisers love participants who enter ahead of time, it makes their jobs so much easier on the day. If you must enter on the day, be there early and register. There will be strict cut-off times this winter to reduce stress on the people timing the events.
For the first time in Perisher the two National XC Championships on August 17 and 18 WILL NOT take late entries !! Get your entries in by the published closing dates or be happy to come to Perisher on the days and help with the events or just enjoy the spectacles.
WE HOPE TO SEE YOU ALL on the Work Party weekend, or soon thereafter on the snow.
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