Welcome Archive!
Perisher X Country (PXC) is all about promoting the activity of Cross Country Skiing so that one of the best-kept secrets around is not a secret anymore. Please encourage everyone to go to the PXC website (Contact Us page) and subscribe to PXC NEWS, PXC EDGE and daily XC Trail Reports during winter. PXC News is focused on the activities of volunteers and those who have a keen interest in helping grow the sport of XC skiing. PXC is a sub-committee of the northern division of Snow Australia and aims to grow participation in XC skiing in Perisher Valley and beyond.

Some of the great skiing last winter between Perisher and Charlotte Pass
What's Up In PXC News
2021 XC SKI WEEK – 7-14 August
2021 PERISHER XC WORK PARTIES – pencil these dates in
2020 was a winter with a difference. COVID closed the Nordic Shelter (except for the all-important toilets!), cancelled events and changed our skiing patterns. The good news was that once the snow came, skiing was sometimes as good as it gets! The shorter season allowed more frequent grooming and grooming further afield. It was a treat to have the trails to Charlotte Pass and the Porcupine groomed so often and so well. Thank you NPWS and Luke the Groomer, from Hans Oversnow.
The social scene at the Shelter was also different, with Nordic Shelter Managers Geraldine and Arnold socializing from the balcony and al fresco picnics became the order of the day. We missed the organized events and activities, and the BBQ, but the virtual Hoppet and Merino Muster attracted many new participants. The Hoppet had its largest field in history – 1800 competitors. COVID also sent lots of new faces to the XC Centre – many for their first go at XC skiing. It was a winter for trying new things.
2021 winter is now in sight. Planning for a normal XC winter is happening, with contingency and COVID plans also in place. There are details about 2021 XC Ski Week below and the 2021 Aust XC Race Calendar is attached. Australia has dealt with COVID so well that we are all positive about winter. Keep your fingers crossed! PXC will keep you informed.
In the meantime, the PXC community is continuing its usual work through the summer, making further improvements to the XC trails and the Nordic Shelter. We were blessed with unexpectedly fine weather for the February Work Party. It was very productive with important maintenance completed in/around the Shelter and on the trails. A bonus for the trail workers was the maiden voyage of the new Cormidi motorised, tracked wheelbarrow. It did real work carrying heavy equipment and materials safely with no impact on the trail surface. Those of you who have avoided work parties for fear of having to carry heavy equipment are now safe!

Whilst Peter Ward is now of an unmentionable age, no, he does not need the Cormidi to get him around the trails.
In line with the PXC Infrastructure Management and Development Plan 2016-2026, the Perisher Cross Country (PXC) Rock Mitigation Proposal was submitted to NPWS in September. The proposal details a way forward for dealing with problem rocks out on the trail. With the help of our previous groomer (Luke) an audit of problem rocks has been completed. A lot of work and research has been put into this proposal by the PXC committee as this is a very important for the future of our XC trails.
Another key issue is investigating ways to make the XC trails easier for the public to ski. The terrain is challenging and consensus shows that the public would much appreciate easier trail alternatives. Further submissions will be provided to NPWS in relation to this.

All systems go at the February Work Party.
Many thanks to the energetic and constructive workers at the February Work Party. See further in this newsletter about the remaining 4 Perisher XC Work Parties before winter. We are always looking for more people to help, so please call me on 0481 268 598 to see how to get involved.
Until next time, Wayne Pethybridge info@perisherxcountry.org
2021 XC SKI WEEK – 7-14 August
2021 XC Ski Week is scheduled to run from Saturday 7th of August through the 14th.
To the uninitiated this is a huge week with events for all levels of skill and ability. Rest days offer coffee tours and/or a selection of short fun events. The provisional 2021 XC Ski Week calendar consists of:
- Saturday 7th – Australian Open Sprint Champs
- Sunday 8th – Australian Open Distance Champs & Boonoona Open (5km)
- Monday 9th – Charlotte Pass Open (2-3km) & Night Relays (1km)
- Tuesday 10th – Mystery Coffee Tour No 1 & Perisher Historical Society Hello in the Snow
- Wednesday 11th – KAC X-C Classic
- Thursday 12th – Sundeck Handicap Race (7.5Km)
- Friday 13th – Mystery Coffee Tour No 2
- Saturday 14th – Snowy Mountains Classic & End of XC Ski Week Presentations
The 2021 XC Week Clubs Competition is scheduled again with a $1000 meal voucher and the Bronze Ski, up for grabs to the club with the most participation points from the week’s activities. The 2019 winner was Telemark Ski Club. Like the Cooma Ski Club (the year before), Telemark celebrated their win at Cliff Wallis’ Tathra Hotel. Thanks to Cliff (Sundeck and Tathra Hotels) for his support of this event.
The final XC Week Presentation on Saturday is typically a great event where $1000s of dollars of prizes are given away. As always, you must be there to win.
So, book your accommodation and get yourself organised for a big week.

Above are the present holders of the Bronze Ski - Telemark Ski Club, also known as the Telemark Ski Club Ring Ins.
In NSW the main suppliers of Cross Country sales, ski hire or lessons reside in the Snowy Mountains, so please support these businesses.
It is really important to support these businesses as without their investment in Cross Country Skiing there won't be equipment and other services available to the skiing public.
Check out https://www.perisherxcountry.org/what-xc/getting-started/links-galore/ to get the contact details of these XC focussed businesses!
Let’s hope all these organisations have a profitable 2021 - less COVID affected, with a bumper snow season.
Also, Rhythm is advertising for a Cross Country sales and support-based employee: Rhythm Snowsports is seeking a dedicated and customer service oriented individual for the position of Cross Country/Back Country Ski Consultant. Primary responsibilities include cash handling, customer service, and equipment management/rentals. Performing light maintenance duties. Individuals in this position are responsible for assisting customers of varying abilities with both sale and rental equipment. The ideal candidate will have a strong Nordic background but we are willing to train as suited.
Please attention your application to Anna in the XC Department and forward resume along with a cover letter to customerservice@rhythmsnowsports.com.au
Firstly A BIG FAT THANK YOU to the following guys & gals who took part in the 6th & 7th of February XC Working Bee - Rowan Christie, Nick Hutton, Leslie Ludwig, Margaret Mahoney, Chris Wall, Peter Ward, Sonja Weinberg, Robert Eddy, Suzanne Gabriele, Garry MacDougall, Rick Alexander and Wayne Pethybridge.
Heaps was done in and around the Nordic Shelter and out on the trails.
The 4 remaining Working Bees are as follows;
- 13-14 March - 17-18 April (Note - Revised date) - 1-2 May - 5-6 June
If you plan to attend the March XC Work Party, contact Peter Ward at nswxc1@gmail.com. Bring sturdy work clothes, gloves and boots suitable for any weather. Be prepared for flies!
We will have a BBQ lunch on Saturday. Otherwise, bring food, drink and snacks, and also your own plates, cutlery and cups.
If you require accommodation (gratis, thanks CAC!) at Canberra Alpine Club, please contact Peter Cunningham at peter.petercunningham@gmail.com. Bring bed linen, towels and food/drink for self-catering. As usual, after the days work on the Saturday, we have a very social time ending in a group dinner.
Awareness of COVID considerations will be important both at the Shelter and at CAC. The rules will be explained – everyone knows the drill by now. As always, if you have been in a designated “Hot Spot” or have had close or casual contact with someone who has/may have COVID, do not attend – but we would love to see you next time!
The types of tasks in and around the Nordic Shelter are many, and LOOK, we have a new sign.
The Australian XC Team for the 2021 Nordic World Championships has just been announced, starting on February 23rd to March 7th in Oberstdorf in Germany. Well done to Tuva Bygrave, Katerina Paul, Phillip Bellingham, Seve de Campo and Mark Pollock.

CLICK HERE to get the full story
The latest version of the 2021 Australian XC Race Calendar can be found by CLICKING HERE.
There may be slight changes between now and winter so always check the Perisherxcountry.org website to see the latest version.
With the lack of events, BBQ and other fundraising activities in 2020, the income for the Nordic Shelter took a large hit. Some usual expenses were somewhat reduced, but there are many day-to-day expenses that remain the same whether the Shelter is open or closed. If you wish to make a tax-deductable donation towards the operation, maintenance and development of the Nordic Shelter, please follow this link: https://asf.org.au/projects/snow-australia---northern/nordic-shelter-development/

Our somewhat damaged (but still hanging in there) COVID money-raising PIGGY.
Over the weekend of 13-14 of Feb (just gone) the first ever Australian FIS Rollerski race was held at the Stromlo Forest Park in Canberra.
CLICK HERE to get the full story of what happened and who won.
There will be two more rollerskiing competition opportunities (pre-2021 winter) to get out there and test your skills or to just take part in an entertaining day:
- Stromlo Forest Park, Canberra
- April 10-11, Saturday Sprint & Sunday Distance
- FIS / Open / Masters / U20 / U16 / U12
- Swix Triac rollerskis will be supplied for the FIS event (and other categories if numbers permit)
- This event is supported by Swix / Snow Trek & Travel / Alpine Timing
- Registration page will be up soon on Snow.org.au
For more details, contact - finn.marsland@gmail.com
2. JINDABYNE EVENT – AWAITING DETAILS (klister@snowy.net.au for information)

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