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2024 PXC Work Party #2 is on! Saturday & Sunday February 3-4 + extra days for those who have always secretly wanted to be bridge builders.

The first section of the Bridge Project - Stage 2 is underway!
PXC WORK PARTY #2 – February 3-4+ & OTHER NEWS.
The February PXC Work Party will focus on the water mitigation Bridge Project. Steel beams have been drilled by Santa’s helpers over the holidays so they are ready for teams to transport and install. A Bridge Project crew will stay on after the weekend through Wednesday (weather permitting). Accommodation will be available for workers through Wednesday. So stay on if you wish or join in after the weekend.
Drilling, drilling....
There will also be trail work and Nordic Shelter maintenance work happening over the weekend.
Meet at the Nordic Shelter at 9:00am for a 9:30 start. Bring gum boots, work boots, work gloves, secateurs, fly repellent/fly veil (intermittent march flies and little black flies) and lunch/snacks/drinks.
If you plan to attend, please contact Peter Ward (nswxc1@gmail.com). Likewise, let him know if you can attend any of the extra days after the weekend to take part in the Bridge Project.
Accommodation is available courtesy of Canberra Alpine Club, Perisher (FOC for workers, thank you CAC). Contact Margaret Mahoney (margmahoney61@gmail.com). Bring bed linen, towels and food/drink.
A Nordic Shelter maintenance item for your consideration – The external rendered walls of the Nordic Shelter require painting. Is there someone who would like to take on this project? It wouldn’t necessarily need to happen during work parties. Contact Peter Ward or Margaret Mahoney (addresses above) if you are interested.
Please pencil in the rest of the 2024 summer Perisher XC Work Parties (dates to be confirmed prior to each Work Party):
2-3 Mar 24 6-7 April 24 4-5 May 24 1-2 Jun 24 (if required)
The Snowies Alpine Walk is nearing completion. A trip to Perisher would be an opportunity to explore sections that are near the XC trails. More information here - https://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/topics/parks-reserves-and-protected-areas/park-management/community-engagement/walking-tracks-and-trails-in-national-parks/snowies-alpine-walk
The Masters World Cup (MWC2024) in Vuokatti, Finland, in mid-February will have an Australian contingent of 13 competitors and 4 support team members. Read more here on the PXC website - https://www.perisherxcountry.org/news/latest
Virpi training in Sydney for MWC2024.
Vale Glen McRitchie – 29/8/79-6/12/23 – Builder Extraordinaire. The masses of people who were involved in the 2008 construction of the Nordic Shelter extension and renovation of the original section worked closely with local builder Glen McRitchie to do the impossible – have the Shelter open in time for the 2008 winter with just the 2008 summer/autumn to do it in. We remember his professional approach to every delay and complication that an alpine building project could present. This was while he had the assistance of an enormous crew of non-professional but enthusiastic volunteers – a unique situation that he handled with good humour and generosity.
Add a well-worn peaked cap and sunnies and this is how we remember Glen!
Ron Finneran OAM - Snow Australia is encouraging the snowsports community to support a true snowsports pioneer - . More mature members of the XC community will remember Ron’s early dedication to the establishment of para-snowsports, including cross country, starting in 1978 when he founded DWA (Disabled Wintersports Australia). Ron has had a long snowsports career characterised by generosity and passion for making snowsports accessable to everyone. Follow this link to learn more about Ron and his contributions, and then how the snowsports community can support him and his family now - https://www.snow.org.au/news/donations-welcomed-for-legend-of-para-snowsports/.
Ron at the 1984 Innsbruk Winter Games.
Australians Competing Overseas – Some Interesting Links:
- TOUR DE SKI - Seve de Campo completes ultimate World Cup endurance test - https://www.snow.org.au/news/seve-de-campo-completes-ultimate-world-cup-endurance-test/
- FIS TV - Visit watch.fis-ski.com, sign up and watch all the snowsports action from around the World.
- 2024 WINTER YOUTH OLYMPIC GAMES, about to begin - For information click https://www.olympics.com.au/news/australias-largest-winter-youth-olympic-games-team-set-for-gangwon-2024/
Finally, while you are in a donating frame of mind:
NORDIC SHELTER - Tax Deductible donations to help with the development, running expenses and maintenance - https://asf.org.au/projects/snow-australia---northern/nordic-shelter-development/

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